Überschreitung Lauterbrunnen Tal - Kandersteg
Last week, Stephan Siegrist and I were able to realize the long and wild traverse from Lauterbrunnen Valley to Kander Valley in three days. We climbed the following peaks: Spitzhoren, Ellstab, Tschingelturm, Ellstabhoren, Tschingelgrat, Tschingelspitz, Gspaltenhorn, Morgenhorn, Wyssi Frau, Blüemlisalp, Oeschinenhorn and the Doldenhorn. Unfortunately, we had to skip one peak, the Fründenhorn. We started in Obersteinberg and stayed overnight during the crossing in the Gspaltenhornhütte and in the Fründenhütte. In total, we covered 45 km and 5400 Hm in partly very fragile and rarely walked terrain. We were accompanied by cameraman Thomas Senf and his safety guide Peter von Känel as part of an SRF DOK broadcast. The fact that there were four of us and that the zero-degree limit was above 4500m.a.s.l. on all three days made the tour quite spicy. More about this in the program of 26.08.22 on Swiss television.